Spencer EMS and rescue products



Wir arbeiten daran, Sie so gut wie möglich zu unterstützen. Wir können maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln, die Ihnen bei Ihren täglichen Notfall-, Rettungs- und Leichenbestattungseinsätzen helfen.


How can I request urgent support?

The best way to request assistance from Spencer is to fill the Request support form, describing in details your issue. The closest Spencer representative will be in touch with you at the earliest opportunities to support you.

Why regular maintenance of your emergency equipment is important?

Well maintained, properly functioning emergency devices are paramount for the safety and wellbeing of patients and EMS workers. Patients lives may depend on it. To keep your medical equipment in good conditions, regular maintenance becomes essential, as it makes critical failure less likely, improves its lifespan and helps you save costs over time. The servicing period of each medical devices is defined by manufacturers: the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by products which did not undergo regular servicing. Find out here how you can benefit from having your equipment in good conditions.

I don't know how to use one of your products. Can you help me?

If you haven't received a user manual along with the product, explore the User manuals page and type the product name on the search bar. If anything is not clear, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Which ambulance equipment does Spencer supply?

Spencer supplies a wide product range for emergency vehicles, including ambulance stretchers, fixation and fastening systems, transport chairs, emergency ventilators, advanced oxygen delivery systems and a full set of supplies for ambulance compartments. For more information about the range of ambulance equipment we supply, click here.

Spencer Italia s.r.l. a socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da Protect Medical Holding GmbH

Capitale sociale € 46.800 i.v.
C.F. – P.IVA – Nr. iscr. Reg. Impr. di PR 01633870348
R.E.A. Parma 168056 – VAT No. IT 01633870348
Codice univoco fatturazione elettronica: A4707H7




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