Ambulanza con barella Spencer


Ausrüstung für Krankenwagen

Wenn ein Notfall eintritt, müssen Rettungswagen über die bestmögliche Ausrüstung verfügen, damit die Sanitäter Erste Hilfe leisten und die ankommenden Patienten hochwertig versorgen können. Spencer liefert eine breite Palette zertifizierter Rettungswagenausrüstungen für EMS-Mitarbeiter.

Spencer Cinco Mas in Ambulance


Wir sind einer der wenigen Komplettanbieter für Ambulanzausrüstungen und bieten über 1.200 Produkte für Einsatzfahrzeuge unterschiedlicher Größe und Ausstattung. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere zertifizierten medizinischen Produkte für Krankenwagen.

Allestimento Ambulanza con Prodotti Spencer in Turchia
Barella Spencer per ambulanza
Allestimento Ambulanza con Prodotti Spencer
Spencer 190 NXT ventilator
Spencer Cinco Mas in Ambulance
Allestimento Ambulanza con Prodotti Spencer in Turchia
Barella Spencer per ambulanza
Allestimento Ambulanza con Prodotti Spencer
Spencer 190 NXT ventilator
Spencer Cinco Mas in Ambulance


Spencer arbeitet Seite an Seite mit Krankenwagenbauern und Rettungsdiensten, um in entscheidenden Momenten die beste medizinische Ausrüstung zu liefern. Fordern Sie ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch mit unseren Experten an, um die besten Produkte für Ihren Krankenwagen zu finden.

Spencer Distributors


Sprechen Sie mit unseren Experten, um Ihre Einsatzfahrzeuge aufzurüsten oder zu modernisieren.
Ambulance workers with stretcher


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Spencer Production


Finden Sie heraus, wie wir einen Mehrwert für Ihre tägliche Arbeit schaffen können.


Which ambulance equipment does Spencer supply?

Spencer supplies a wide product range for emergency vehicles, including ambulance stretchers, fixation and fastening systems, transport chairs, emergency ventilators, advanced oxygen delivery systems and a full set of supplies for ambulance compartments. For more information about the range of ambulance equipment we supply, click here.

How can I choose the right ambulance stretcher for my ambulance?

Ambulances in different parts of the world have a unique structure and dimension. To better undertand which stretcher can fit your ambulance, measure the distance between the ambulance floor and the ground. Add to this measure the height of any fixation or ambulance stretcher support system you plan to install. Once you do this, compare this measure with the loading height (height from the ground) of our 160 models of ambulance stretchers. You will find the one that will perfectly load into your ambulance. If the measure is not exactly matching any of the models we build, bear in mind that some of our ambulance stretchers we construct (like Crossover or Cross) can be set to any range from 52 to 70 cm during the installation phase. In any case, you are more than welcome to speak with any of our experts to dispell all your doubts.

Are Spencer's ambulance stretchers 10G tested and certified?

Correct. All Spencer's ambulance stretchers are compliant with the UNI EN 1789:2007 (which define the specifications for emergency vehicles and the medical devices within it) and the UNI EN 1865-1, which identifies the requirements for the design and performance of stretchers and patient handling equipment used in road ambulances. All stretchers are 10G tested and certified.

Why regular maintenance of your emergency equipment is important?

Well maintained, properly functioning emergency devices are paramount for the safety and wellbeing of patients and EMS workers. Patients lives may depend on it. To keep your medical equipment in good conditions, regular maintenance becomes essential, as it makes critical failure less likely, improves its lifespan and helps you save costs over time. The servicing period of each medical devices is defined by manufacturers: the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by products which did not undergo regular servicing. Find out here how you can benefit from having your equipment in good conditions.

Are Spencer's Class I and Class II medical devices compliant with MDR?

All Spencer's class I medical devices are compliant with the new EU MDR Directive (2017/745). Spencer's class II medical devices will be made compliant by the end of July 2023, as stated by the regulation.

Spencer Italia s.r.l. a socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da Protect Medical Holding GmbH

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Codice univoco fatturazione elettronica: A4707H7




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