

In this section you can find all the downloadable and media resources to share with your team, including technical sheets, manuals, catalogues, brochures and product videos.

Spencer Technical Sheets

Technical sheets

Download the technical sheets of the EMS, rescue and mortuary products we manufacture.
Brochures and Flyer Media Categories

Sell Sheets

Download, view and share our product brochures, leaflets and sell sheets.
Spencer catalogues


Download, share or view online our EMS, rescue and mortuary catalogues.
EMS volunteers coming out of the woods with Spencer Shell

Product Images

Download pictures in high resolutions depicting real scenes where Spencer's products have been deployed.
Emergency Equipment User Manuals

User Manuals

Browse, view and download our user and maintenance manuals.
Spencer video making


Watch our videos about our most recent events, updates, interviews and product presentations.

Spencer Italia s.r.l. a socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da Protect Medical Holding GmbH

Capitale sociale € 46.800 i.v.
C.F. – P.IVA – Nr. iscr. Reg. Impr. di PR 01633870348
R.E.A. Parma 168056 – VAT No. IT 01633870348
Codice univoco fatturazione elettronica: A4707H7




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