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Spencer Track

Spencer Track IV poles for stretchers are engineered to ensure the continuity of the infusion process during transport. When not in use, they can be folded up alongside the frame of the stretcher. Track 5 is an telescopic IV pole for Spencer Carrera stretcher.


IF01049 Track 5

IF01047 Track 4

    Other specifications
    • Compatible with
    • destinations use and benefits
    • downloadable resources
    Compatible with
    Spencer Self-loading stretcher Carrera T Tec High with chrome frame and black board

    Carrera Tec

    Carrera Tec is a compact and light self-loading stretcher that can be used in rescue operations on streets and rescue vehicles. It offers high standards of safety and durability and can be customised with different frame and board colours and easily accessorized.
    Carrera XL Max Barella Autocaricante 10G

    Carrera XL

    Carrera XL T Tec is a self-loading stretcher that combines multiple functionalities, including 3 variable heights, an oversized capacity (250 kg) and larger wheels.
    Spencer Carrera Pro self-loading stretcher

    Carrera Pro

    Carrera Pro is a lightweight self-loading stretcher with a spinal board housing. This stretcher is the perfect solution when you are short of space in your ambulance or lack an additional pair of hands to carry a spine board.
    Spencer Carrera Activ self-loading stretcher

    Carrera Activ

    Carrera Activ is a lightweight monobloc stretcher, ideal when you operate in very confined spaces. Its foldable frame offers greater room for manoeuvre, reducing considerably the length of the stretcher when it is needed.
    Spencer Cinco Mas self-loading stretcher

    Cinco Mas

    Cinco Mas is a compact, lightweight self-loading stretcher with 5 adjustable heights, multiple access points and four pivoting wheels of large diameter fitted with a smart locking system. It is built to improve maneuverability and carry heavier patients up to 250 kg. Cinco Mas is 10G tested when used with the Sensor Lock fastening system.
    Destination and use benefits

    This is product is specially designed for:

    EMS equipment

    • Easy to apply on the stretcher side bars with diameter of 18 to 25 mm.
    • It can supporta two bags with a load of 1,5 kg.
    • In order to fix IV-bottles or bags, the IV pole holder is equipped with a self-adherent strips, which is used also for fixation of the folded pole in the closed position.
    • Track 5 is an telescopic IV pole for Spencer Carrera stretcher.
    Technical sheets (2)
    TRACK 4 IF01047_en

    Stretcher accessories

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    TRACK 5 IF01049_en

    Stretcher accessories

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    Spencer Track IV pole



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