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This support has been specially designed for the Kinetix electric stretcher and includes the 10G fixation system. It allows lateral movement and has a compartment for a spine board or scoop stretcher.

10G Approved Spencer icon


Extractable rail


Sideways movement icon



Rail KN00002

Rail without compartment KN00003

    Show details for comparison
    Other specifications
    • Compatible with
    • Destination and use benefits
    Compatible with
    Kinetix Power assisted stretcher


    The electric stretcher KINETIX by Spencer can load patient without effort. It has an advanced software control system that assures a smoother up and down operations. This capability improves the experience of patients at the same time saves the battery energy.
    Destination and use benefits

    This is product is specially designed for:

    EMS equipment

    RAIL by Spencer is exclusively designed for KINETIX electric stretcher and it is the easiest and safest way to load any patient from the stretcher to the ambulance.
    RAIL is composed of a fixed and moving support for a safe loading/unloading operation.



    • Aluminum manufacture and steel painted.
    • Accommodation cabinet for scoop stretcher.
    • Self-lubricating guide system.
    • Movement side by foot lever on the front.
    • Handle to pull the rail from inside the ambulance.
    • Manhole covers for easy installation of the stretcher support on the floor of the ambulance.
    • Anchor point with semi-automatic extraction
    • Guides for easy engagement between stretcher and stretcher support.
    • Stainless steel top tray.
    • Safety hooks for stretcher’s clamping, removable in case of an electrical fault.
    • Remote unlocking cable systeme for an easy maintenance.

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    How can I request urgent support?

    The best way to request assistance from Spencer is to fill the Request support form, describing in details your issue. The closest Spencer representative will be in touch with you at the earliest opportunities to support you.

    Which ambulance equipment does Spencer supply?

    Spencer supplies a wide product range for emergency vehicles, including ambulance stretchers, fixation and fastening systems, transport chairs, emergency ventilators, advanced oxygen delivery systems and a full set of supplies for ambulance compartments. For more information about the range of ambulance equipment we supply, click here.

    Spencer Italia s.r.l. a socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da Protect Medical Holding GmbH

    Capitale sociale € 46.800 i.v.
    C.F. – P.IVA – Nr. iscr. Reg. Impr. di PR 01633870348
    R.E.A. Parma 168056 – VAT No. IT 01633870348
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